How to Become a Published Author

how to become a published author

Becoming a published author is a dream for many, but it requires more than just a passion for writing. This guide explores the essential steps and strategies to turn your writing aspirations into a published reality. Whether you’re a budding novelist, a professional looking to share expertise, or someone with a unique story, this article will lead you through the journey of becoming a published author.

Understanding the Publishing Industry

Before diving into writing, it’s crucial to understand the publishing industry. Learn about different publishing options, including traditional publishing, self-publishing, and hybrid models. Each path has its pros and cons, and choosing the right one depends on your goals, resources, and the type of book you’re writing.

Developing Your Writing Skills

No matter your background, honing your writing skills is vital. Engage in regular writing practices, attend writing workshops, and consider enrolling in courses like the Book Writing and Publishing Program offered by the California Institute of Behavioral Neurosciences and Psychology. This program provides comprehensive guidance, from planning and writing to publishing and marketing your book.

Crafting Your Manuscript

Writing a book is a marathon, not a sprint. Develop a clear outline, set a consistent writing schedule, and stay committed to your project. Remember, the first draft is just the beginning; revising and editing are where your book truly takes shape.

Navigating the Publishing Process

Once your manuscript is ready, it’s time to navigate the publishing process. This includes finding a literary agent (if you’re going the traditional route), understanding contracts, and making decisions about book design and distribution. Self-publishing authors will need to focus on aspects like formatting, cover design, and self-marketing.

Marketing and Promoting Your Book

Marketing is crucial for a published author. Create a marketing plan that includes both online and offline strategies. Building an author website, engaging on social media, and participating in book signings and readings are effective ways to promote your book.


Becoming a published author is a challenging but rewarding journey. With dedication, the right guidance, and a strategic approach, your dream of seeing your name on a book cover can become a reality. For those seeking structured guidance, the Book Writing and Publishing Program can be an invaluable resource in your authorship journey.

Ready to turn your writing dreams into reality? Discover how in just 6 months with our 'Be a Published Author' Program . Enroll now and embark on a transformative journey to become a successful author.
Hassaan Tohid


Dr. Hassaan Tohid MBBS, CCATP, CSOTP is a TEDx Speaker, Entrepreneur, Neuroscientist, Motivational speaker, Trainer, Certified Life Coach, and a Published author.

He has a career with three domains. An entrepreneur, an academic (neuroscientist, and a teacher), and a clinician (Addiction treatment).

As an entrepreneur, he is the founder of California Institute of Behavioral Neurosciences and Psychology. Where he leads the organization as the CEO. He is a trainer, a coach, and a teacher. His training includes Public Speaking, Research Writing and Research Data Analysis, Business training and coaching, life coaching, and Sales.

An academic he is a Neuroscientist and delivered a TED talk on his specialty Mirror Neurons and Dissociative Identity Disorder at TEDx UCDavissf and TEDxUAlberta. He has published over 40 scientific articles and written 3 books.

A clinician with substance use disorder treatment specialty. Dr. Tohid graduated as a medical doctor and chose mental health and substance use disorder as a domain of his clinical career.

Dr. Tohid has delivered lectures on the subjects of success, motivation, business, sales, and research writing and publishing in different languages to thousands of medical and non-medical students.

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