Book Writing and Publishing Program

Congratulations! You now have the incredible opportunity to write and publish your very own book.

According to USA Today, 82 percent of people aspire to become published authors, but only a few achieve this goal. However, you can join the ranks of those who successfully write and publish their books.

Today, you can access the most comprehensive guidance on book writing and publishing, enabling you to share your message with thousands, if not millions.

Realize the legacy and greatness you have always desired.

Believe me, you are already a talented, accomplished, and remarkable writer. Even if you don’t see it now, you possess the potential to become a published book author and even a best-selling author in the future. Your published book can serve as a significant milestone on your path to success.

Consider this: If you are a medical doctor applying for a US clinical residency and you publish a book in your chosen specialty, just imagine the impact it would have on your chances of matching at a residency program. Picture how your application would be perceived by residency directors and interviewers. Visualize the impression you would make if you were to carry a hardcopy of your book during your interview. The impact you could create during those interviews is truly remarkable.

This opportunity is not limited to doctors seeking residency matches; it applies to any future job you may apply for. This book writing and publishing program is designed for everyone, including trainers, coaches, and entrepreneurs.

I understand that you may find it difficult and overwhelming. You might be concerned about your writing skills or lack of experience.

But let’s shift our thinking in a new direction. Yes, you can become a published book author in just a matter of weeks.

Whether you’ve never written a book before or have never published anything, it doesn’t matter. It’s not a reflection of your worthiness or deservingness. It simply means you haven’t yet learned the skills of writing and the secrets of completing a book and getting it published.

I understand that you may fear writing because it’s unfamiliar territory. You might feel confused and lack confidence in your ability to publish your own book. However, trust me, you are capable of achieving it. You can do it, and you can do it faster than you can imagine.

If you’re unfamiliar with the process, the CiBNP program will teach and train you on how to write and publish a book. We don’t expect you to have any prior knowledge about book writing and publishing.

Thanks to the CiBNP program, your fear of writing and publishing a book will disappear.

Writing and publishing a book offers numerous benefits beyond achieving success in job interviews. It sets you apart, making you unique, and allows you to convey your message to thousands, if not millions. Additionally, it positions you as an expert or someone with greater knowledge in your chosen specialty or subject.

Introducing the Online “Write and Publish a Book” training program by the California Institute of Behavioral Neurosciences and Psychology.

What will you learn in this program?

– How to write a book
– How to begin writing a book
– Collecting data for your book
– The publishing process
– Authored book vs. Edited Book
– Organizing and creating an outline for your book, and much more…

Through this program, you will acquire knowledge and skills in the various stages of book writing.

Stage 1: Planning Your Book

It is often said that failing to plan is planning to fail. But how can you effectively plan your book? In the first week of the course, you will receive instructions on proper planning. Without proper planning, achieving your goal of writing and publishing a book will be difficult. Therefore, the initial weeks of the program focus on teaching and training you in thorough planning, which is essential for successfully writing and completing your book.

During this stage, you will also learn:

– The secrets of topic selection: How to choose a topic that not only attracts readers but also captivates anyone who comes across your book. By implementing these strategies, techniques, and skills in your future book writing projects, you will grab the attention of publishers.

– How to create an outline and make your book stand out.

Stage 2: Writing the Book

By following the book writing method taught in this course, the entire process of writing and publishing becomes remarkably easy. This course covers every step involved in writing and completing your book.

In this stage, you will also learn:

– How to take action and get started.
– Techniques for staying motivated to write, along with secrets to overcome procrastination.
– The detailed process of writing a book.
– If you’re unsure about formulating and organizing your book into chapters and modules, this course is perfect for you.
– The book writing and publishing journey will eventually make you an expert in your field, and this course will guide you through that process.

Stage 3: Editing and Organizing

Proper editing and proofreading present significant challenges in the book writing and publishing process, especially for novice authors. This comprehensive program will provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively tackle these challenges.

In this stage, you will also learn:

– How to maintain discipline in your writing and publishing endeavors.
– Practical strategies to set a schedule and deadlines that work within your unique circumstances.

Stage 4: Publishing and Marketing

While we will handle the publishing of the hardcopy for you, this program will also teach you how to find a traditional publisher in the future and continue publishing your books in the conventional way. Additionally, if you choose self-publishing in the future, we will assist you with that process.

You will also learn:

-How to market your book

In summary, you will receive every step used by expert writers and published authors to write and publish their research papers.

The value of this course exceeds $15,000, but you qualify for a discount, paying only $5,000 for the complete training, bonus features, and a hardcopy of your published book.

Yes, the price is now $5,000.

Within the “How to Write a Book and Become a Published Author” training course, you will receive:

– Live online classes with a mentor
– Recorded videos by Dr. Hassaan Tohid to guide you throughout the process
– Five e-lecture notes
– An e-book
– MP3 audios by Dr. Hassaan Tohid sharing secrets about book writing and publishing

Additionally, you will receive these valuable bonuses:

Letter of Recommendation

Certificate of Completion

Two-year membership with Cibnp

Research Proposal Writing Course

Introduction to Research Course

Life and Career Management Course
Let’s begin your journey NOW

Results Disclaimer
* The results of using this product will vary depending on your circumstances, time commitments, and overall application of this program - Based on these factors it is possible that the use of this product will generate little or no results for you. The use of this product does not guarantee a publication because eventually you have to take action.

We don't participate in practices such as including your names in publications, selling authorships, or offering positions in upcoming publications in exchange for money.