Policies & Procedures

The California Institute of Behavioral Neurosciences and Psychology Policies and Procedures for the Distance Learning Research Training

  • Students who are enrolled into the Be a Published Author Program should have substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work in order to publish their article with CiBNP or in the CiBNP Academic Channel.
  • The students will have substantial contribution in drafting or revising the manuscript and critically analyzing it for important intellectual content
  • The student will have the final approval of the version to be published by the other possible coauthors and the mentor
  • The mentor/instructor here at CiBNP coauthor the paper with the students
  • The corresponding author will be responsible for ensuring that all coauthors meet the requirements for authorship.
  • The corresponding author will be responsible for the submission of the manuscript to the Journal and any associated activities.
  • Each of the authors will take complete and public responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
  • The issue of authorship must be resolved before submission of the manuscript.
  • Any un-enrolled personnel at the Cibnp will not be included in the publication. If any unauthorized person is added to the paper, a fee will be charged to the first authors credit card or it will be reported to the credit bureau as necessary.
  • The students will not mention the details of my research project with any outsider until published.
  • The students will keep other student’s research paper information confidential until the article is published.
  • The students will strictly follow all the rules and policies of the CiBNP and will strictly abide by them.
  • The students will not plagiarize, and if any plagiarism is detected in any of the students project in which the student is the first and the corresponding author, CiBNP can take strict disciplinary action against the corresponding author and possibly other authors too, which can range from being reprimanded to being expelled from the institute.
  • The student is solely responsible for all of my content in my paper and possible plagiarism.
  • It will be a violation of the institute’s policy if:
  • the students did not check their final research article for plagiarism on at least 4 different online plagiarism-checking platforms.*
  • the students fail to report the final percentage of plagiarism found in their article to their mentor.
  • the students will not submit article in the journal without informing (presenting their final draft) their mentor and their group members (co-authors in their paper). *

If the students are found to be involved in any kind of scientific fraud, he/she will be permanently banned from CiBNP and immediately expelled from the institute. Depending upon the severity of the fraud, CiBNP may take legal action against the student.

  • Any article that the students will write with the CiBNP during the two month training, cannot be published in the Cureus journal without the CiBNP-Cureus channel.
  • All the future articles that the students write afterwards can be published without the channel because they are the students independent articles. But the students are welcome to submit their future articles via the channel to enhance the speed and chances of publication.
  • Cureus and CiBNP are working together to help the students becoming published authors, therefore, the Cureus journal knows which article was written under the CiBNP affiliation. Therefore, If any student deliberately tries to bypass the channel, the student could be permanently banned by both organizations. This means that they cannot publish in Cureus ever and they cannot join any other CiBNP course in the future and the certificate for the two month training will be confiscated.
  • In order to coauthor with other authors, you need to full fill all the requirements of being a published author.
  • The Letter of Recommendation (LoR) cannot be issued without the students’ participation. You have to be punctual, attend all the classes, communicate with your mentor, and submit your assignment in order to be eligible for the Letter of Recommendation.
  • Failure to attend the class on time is not the ground for refund.
  • If a student misses a class the class will not be repeated

The minimum eligibility requirement for the LoR is that the student enrolled at least 30 days ago and attended at least four classes and communited with the mentor, and the mentors knew the student well. If the mentors feel that they still don’t know the student well, they have to the right to refuse to issue the LoR.

  • We at CiBNP will not call anyone on your behalf for reference. However, if any employer contacts us, we will provide the relevant information for the reference if the student wants it.
  • The students are allowed to retake the classes in the future for revision, but they cannot coauthor with their classmates the second time they retake the classes without proper admission procedure.
  • Any student found misbehaving with faculty or the classmates will be immediately expelled from the institute and banned permanently, and the fee will ne confiscated.
  • For “Be a Published Author Program” and “SPSS Statistical Data Analysis”, there is a 21 days money back guarantee. This guarantee starts from the day your first class is conducted. You have to first attend the remaining classes until the Day 21 to claim your refund if you don’t want to pursue the training further. The transaction fee will be non-refundable.
  • Tier 1 purchase doesn’t mean that you guarantee your multiple publications. Some students can be irresponsible and not complete their papers. Therefore, rely on your first author paper, not on your classmates papers.
  • There is no package of Tier 1 with No LoR and Certificate.

In Tier 1, you get an opportunity to be friends with your classmates and know them and if you and your classmates agree, you can coauthor with them and they can coauthor with you. Therefore, it is not mandatory to add your classmates as coauthors if you are not comfortable. However, if you are not willing to add your classmates to their papers then they may also not add you in their papers.

  • By entering your email and submitting an order you accept to receive our newsletter
  • All short courses purchased are NON-REFUNDABLE.
  • The price for any course is subject to change.
    • In case you weren’t able to access the purchased short course, we will send you a separate access link upon contacting.
  • If CiBNP finds out that a student has added his/her classmates in his/her paper while this other student has not fulfilled the criteria of authorship i.e. idea, data collection, data-analysis, writing, editing, and submission, then a strict action will be taken against both students. The action could range from permanent ban to being expelled from the institute.
  • The students must remember that to be a coauthor in anyone’s they need to fulfill all the prerequisites of authorship (not just one of the pre-requisite). The pre-requisites are as follow:
  1. Overall Idea and Topic
  2. Data Collection
  3. Data Analysis
  4. Writing
  5. Editing
  6. Proofreading
  7. Approval before submission

Therefore, the students must have taken active part in all the seven above mentioned pre-requisites to be a coauthor in their classmates papers.

Does every transaction have any kind of extra charges included?

We believe in transparency, every transaction over 100 dollars will have some credit card fee added to the total payment. The amount of credit card fee can vary depending on the amount you pay. For example, 859 after credit card fee becomes 891.92.


Any student found violating this policy, and found guilty of plagiarism by any journal will face the consequences, ranging from reprimanding to being expelled/banned from the CIBNP permanently. Also, he/she will not be able to co-author in any of the other group members’ future articles.

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.

We don't participate in practices such as including your names in publications, selling authorships, or offering positions in upcoming publications in exchange for money.